Monday, June 22, 2015

Backpacker Planning

I have spent my 1M book voucher from ahjib-gor today at Popular bookstore. It's time to planning the trip to travel next year. It's time to experience something new such as backpacker etc.

These are the travel guide books I'd owned today. #teehee

Sunday, June 21, 2015




Friday, June 19, 2015

New Journey of Life

At last, the result was announced on June 19, 2015. Still thinking should I consider it? Should I?  I'm doubt my ability with less confident to do it well. The duration of study is not short as master study, where it may take at least 3 to 4 years to complete. Some people may say 3 to 4 years will be pass very fast and just like a glance of slide. By the way, I would like to thanks god to giving me this opportunity to further in the next level of study. 

This is the announced result.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kimjung Pre-birthday Celebration

We'd our small and simple gathering at Coffee Factory which we all never go before. It really a nice place for chit chatting and gathering. We take this opportunity to celebrate Kimjung birthday in advance. Her actual birthday is on 22nd of June.

Kimjung with the cakes

5 slides of cake with fries

A thing must do in any gathering - take a group pic for keeping in our memory last forever.
P/S: Left pic was took by the handsome waiter at Coffee Factory and right pic is 'wefie' and camera hold by @andy

Sunday, June 7, 2015


一段感情是必须经得起无限考验才能长久。双方都必须真诚的为对方付出,毫不犹豫无私的付出。其中一方的不确定可能会造成感情破裂的主因。其中一方向对方问你爱我吗? 你珍惜我们的感情吗? 然而第一时间的反应是最诚实的,永远骗不了人的。如果得到的答案是有所保留的话,很明显地他/她在明示他/她不是全心全意的付出。当初还没开始谈感情前就须想清楚如果没能给予对方你全部爱的话,那就不别谈这场恋爱。因为这是在浪费两人是时间,到最后搞得两败俱伤,这又是何必呢? 还有谈恋爱切记一定得诚实,不能有所隐瞒,所谓瞒得过一时瞒不过一世,纸包不住火啊!有什么东西就大方的摊出来双方一块儿解决。话说别人的意见固然重要、也不是不好、但把别人的意见当做自己的觉得那就不对了、每个人都有自己的决定权选择权、知道自己要的是什么不要什么、再听取别人的意见、综合自己和别人的意见再做不伤天害理成熟理智的决定。希望轻易放弃这段恋情的你能在往后的恋情能有所领悟,今次苦口婆心的提醒不相等于控制你、不给你自由、这一切的一切都是为你好、没有要伤害你的理由。全心全意的付出,却换来了这个回报,我只能说这是命运,也只好忍痛欣然的接受已成定局的事实。就当做是做‘善事’,让你之后的感情能有所成长,能有更多的人生历练,也希望你往后能明白这一切都是为了你好,真的!写着写着我怎么哭了?!

我怎么哭了 - 八三夭 831

#throwback Good Luck Linda

We are hanging out on May 30th, 2015 (Saturday) for almost whole day. Actually I plan to go to a famous kopitiam called 春园茶室which located at FuChew Road but unfortunately it was closed when we're reached around 11am. After that we change to having breakfast at nearby. 

This is our breakfast. Baked bread with butter kaya and boiled dumplings.

Me, Linda and Annie.

Next, we parked our car at Plaza Merdeka and walk around the old street to find the famous fried chicken at wayang street but unfortunately again it was closed as well. So we take our late lunch McD. We ordered McCountry burger medium set for 3 person and sit about 1 hour 30 minutes. After that we walk around at Indian street and I bought two pieces of sport short pants.

McCountry burger, fries and coke without ice.

We took these pic outside of the old British court.

We went to '三小吃冰'. We don't know which hawker is nice because there are 5 hawkers there. I called Nyap for asking recommended store. According to his recommendation, we choose hawker 5. Actually, I'm not really get what he said and the decision of chosen hawker 5 was based on my own understanding from his word. We ordered ABC at hawker 5 and rojak from hawker 3.

ABC before (left) and after (right).

Rojak with peanut. Forgot request for without peanut T.T

We were having our dinner Alfesco which located behind Hock Lee Center. 3 plates of grilled chicken chop and mushroom soup with garlic bread were ordered. The portion for a chicken chop was very big for us. And we should order 2 plates 3 persons share instead of 3 plates. One of the staffs was wearing a Dyak traditional clothing, we do grab this opportunity to took a pic with him.

Alfesco grilled chicken chop and mushroom soup with garlic bread.

Alfesco staff, Linda, Annie and me.

Lastly, we went to OneJaya at Jalan Song having a cup of passion fruit juice and then we are going home. A tired of whole day outing but happy and wish Linda with best wishes and lucks for her when she works at Singapore in mid of June later.